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7:11 pm - 10-02-13
Idols, Cosmic Disillusionment, and the Gospel
I originally wanted this to be a blog full of lengthy essays, but sometimes there are lessons that only take a paragraph or two to write. Here are two from today.

The Idol of Human Approval vs. the Gospel

Some days I don't feel like I've progressed at all from the girl in junior high who didn't trust a soul to love her for who she really was. I still fight very much with needing people's approval and acceptance to feel any kind of worth. I know all the answers in my head: my identity is in Christ, and my sins are all covered by the grace of God through Christ. Yet I still find myself worshiping at the feet of the idol of Human Approval--something so tainted by our own fallenness. So I just keep needing the Cross ever more. And I'm always thankful to read things like this and receive the reminder...

"Dishonesty is rooted in unbelief. It's a gospel issue. When I'm not resting in the identity and righteousness I have in Christ, I'll be tempted to 'save face' or keep up appearances. I'll want to make sure people have a certain impression of me. But the gospel frees us from this temptation! The good news of the gospel is that your identity is in Christ, not in what people think of you. And your righteousness comes from Christ, not your good behavior (or good reputation). You don't have to keep up appearances. You don't have to manage your image. You don't have to save face. Jesus gives you a new identity and a righteousness you did not possess or earn on your own. They are yours by grace."

(Quoted from the Gospel Coalition blog How to Get Real Honest Community)

"For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God." Ephesians 2:8

Idols, Cosmic Disillusionment, and the Gospel

My Bible study this week is about the severe disillusionment or disappointment that eventually happens when we elevate something (e.g. a belief, an experience, a desire) or someone to the place of God. It was eye-opening writing about my greatest disappointments and disillusions and writing what I learned from them. One of the biggest things I learned is how incredibly important it is to be honest about sin. I have suffered crushing blows by belief that sin is not that bad, perhaps doesn't really even exist, and that anything resembling it should be covered up and forgotten immediately.

But I should mention that the ONLY thing that makes honesty about sin bearable is the knowledge that, for the person who believes in Christ, it has been dealt with upon Jesus at the Cross. Without this understanding of the Cross, being honest about sin offers absolutely no more hope than anything else in this life.


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